04 August 2007


If you could take a photograph of what a promise looks like, I think this would be it.

When someone says to me, "You promise"? I smile and see sunlight streaming through a stained-glass window, bright with all that the potential that it holds.

Thirty five years ago, my parents said their vows and joined hands as husband and wife.

Through so much; through good times and bad, through sickness and health and births of children and deaths of loved ones and schedules that left mere minutes to see one another, still, they remained true.

Having failed in love, multiple times, I like to think that they are an exception, that their relationship didn't have to withstand the seas that mine did, but in reality, I'm sure it did. I'm sure it withstood far more than I could dream.

I'm sure there were days my mom just wanted to run free and not have five children in tow; wanted to have some part of herself that wasn't bound to so much, have some part of her life that was just hers.

I'm sure there were nights my dad wanted to play sports instead of work to provide for us or stay out after the rare golf game and follow where the moon led, recapture his youth, but they always came home instead, the promise they made more important than the whims of the moment.

In order to stay together, they stayed together:

Such a simple concept, when you write it.
Such an amazing concept, when you live it.

Mom and Dad, I love you.

Happy Anniversary.


  1. oh, jenn. yes, it's true, and it doesn't sound so hard when you write it.

    so why is it so hard for so many to live it?

    happy anniversary, jenn's mom and dad.

  2. Commitment is far more difficult than it seems, isn't it.

    Lovely post.

  3. it does seem easy. it should be easier.

    happy blessings to them and you.

  4. Bee-you-tee-full!

    Navigating the seas of marriage can be hard. Really hard. I'm always lifted up when I see couples who have managed to weather the storms.

    Happy Anniversary to them.

  5. What a nice post. That picture is so lovely, too--the essence of promise. What a blessing to have parents who love eachother.

  6. oh, how i so want that to be me and by husband someday. this was a beautiful and very sweet tribute. they raised an amazing woman.

  7. It's a beautiful thing when two people are so committed to each other. Happy Anniversary to them. Thirty five years is an amazing accomplishment.

  8. Happy Anniversary, Parents of the Server to the Queens!

    And yes, that has to be one of the sweetest pictures ever. They looks so young, so sure, so dedicated, so in love.

  9. Relationships are so much work. A promise is a promise, but some of them are hard to keep.
    happy anni to your parents

  10. Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad. This tribute was beautiful. So is their love.

  11. I will never take another anniversary for granted in my life.

    They are hard to reach and important to celebrate.

    Happy anniversary today and for years to come to your mom and dad!

  12. Congrats to your parents. That's wonderful!

  13. What a wonderful example. My parents have been married almost 40 years and it is a rare jewel.

    BTW, I just happened upon your blog and am enjoying every bit of the words you have shared.

  14. Absolutely true - you have to stay together to stay together.

    Happy Anniversary to your folks - and wishes for many more years of staying together :)

  15. Anonymous8:48 PM

    Nice. I get it. My parents are going to celebrate their 57th anniversary in September.
    Also, I would not say that you have failed at love. Seems more like the people you loved failed YOU.

  16. Happy Anniversary..it only gets better. I love when my 86 year old dad and 81 year old mom hold hands...TOO cute.


Let them type cake.