17 November 2007

Let There Be Peace on Earth (And Let it Begin in the Kingdom)

This picture was taken:

A.) Five minutes after arrival arriving home.

B.) After a night of cotton candy and a violent sugar crash

C.) Never. It was photo-shopped by an evil elf who is jealous that outbreaks such as thus never occur in the Kingdom.

In this picture, Little A is:

A.) Going for the jugular

B.) Learning the basics of CPR by testing for Big A's pulse

C.) Practicing the under-rated art form of quashing an opponent by striking a particular nerve in their neck

The most appalling part of this photo is:

A.) The Servant is genuinely laughing hysterically while watching the Queens attack each other

B.) See above

If you've ever read my blog, you should know that I'm too lazy to be creative. The correct answers are all "A".


  1. Hi there! Sorry I haven't stopped by in awhile. It's been c-r-a-z-y around my house...decorating, shopping, wrapping, etc., plus I was out of town for the weekend. It's been fun reading all your posts I've missed.


  2. Ah, so adorable. Clearly, they're having a ball.

  3. but why haven't you seen little A in a week? oh... it is so hard to be away from your kids that long!

  4. Family pictures are a hoot. I swear, in every photo taken of me during my first five years of ife, my older sister is inflicting bodily harm on me. I kid you not. It's OK...50 years later we still love each other.

  5. There's an action shot!

    The question in my mind...how come you hadn't seen little A for a week? Is this part of the story to come?

    Hope all is well!


  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Clearly there is but one cliché appropriate for this situation...

    She learned from the best.

  7. ohhh....i can't wait to learn about what is clearly good stuff happening in your kingdom!

  8. Gotta love a little one w/ fire in her heart..

    PS..your hair looks very pretty..(said in a non gay way..not that there is anything wrong w/ that)

  9. Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

    The angels are singing for you!!!!

  10. Oh, the tufts of blond hair going on in this photo are killing me! It's always hard on my when my son is away visiting his dad. I go nuts with missing him.

  11. She's fierce! But look at her cute l'il blonde hair. Love it.


Let them type cake.