14 March 2008


Even if you're just a lurker here, please de-lurk for this one; it'll take two seconds.

Are you going to Blogher?

(See, wasn't that easy?)


  1. Sorry, no. Any airfare fuel will be spent sending me towards the Italian coast and Roman walls.

  2. Well, I WANT to go, but it is far, far, away for me. And that means very expensive. I had a scheduling conflict, but now that is out of the way, so I think I am cleared to go, if it wasn't for the $$. Still considering ....

  3. Nope - no Blogher for me.

  4. Nope. I can't afford it. I hope they have one on the east coast one of these days.

  5. I am not going. It would be hard to justify going when my blog is still super secret :)

    I am going to be in California around that time so maybe I will have to just stop in.

  6. I wish I was, but alas, no.

  7. Anonymous9:56 AM

    I wish I was going, but alas I do blogging for fun and I can't justify the vacation time from work and expense of flying to the conference.

  8. I wanted to sooo bad, but in an unfortunate case of bad timing, we're going to be on our family vacation at the Cape.

    I'm going to BlogHer Boston though in October! (not that that helps you out any...)

  9. Anonymous10:31 AM

    Delurking again..
    I don't know what Blogher is....????

  10. Short answer: no
    Why: It's in San Francisco which is beautiful..yet not a very inexpensive trip..I'll go when it is more affordable for someone from the midwest.

  11. Hello: I am a lurker. No, I am not going to BlogHer, but it still sounds like fun.

  12. Nope - but if you go, I would love a full report :)


  13. I was thinking about it... but my little one is still nursing and I can't see leaving her overnight quite yet. And taking her with me... I don't see that happening.

  14. I wish! Just don't have the money this year. Maybe next year....

  15. Nope. Kinda not my thing. Plus, we have a girls' weekend every summer and I can't afford both. I enjoy reading about those who went, though.

  16. Ok, since you asked I'll delurk.

    I'm not going, but I wish I was. I live in Israel so a trip to SF is astronomically expensive and sadly can't in any way be justified. Shame though, because it really should count as a legitimate mental health expense tax deduction.

  17. I don't think I am. We're taking a big trip to Disney in April. I don't think I can justify California, too.

  18. I wish. I would love to and know some people who did last year who LOVED it. But I don't want to drive and I can't fly without drugs,ha. Not to mention how much it will cost to fly, stay and join in the fun. Have fun if you go though, I'm told it is well worth it. Plus Dooce will be there, I love her.

  19. Dude. YES.

    now get your ass out to Cali pronto.

  20. Which one?
    But no, can't afford it at all. Lame.

  21. I'd like to, but it's at the height for my swimming champoinships for my kids--both usa year-round and rec teams. The hotel is also a bit pricier than I would like. oh, well. Someday....

  22. Trying to!

    and hey, email me would ya?

  23. Since I am relatively new to reading other blogs...not sure what it is...please explain.

  24. HECK, YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  25. um, it's actually in my backyard this year so I kinda would like to go, but I haven't looked into details yet (cost etc, i don't even know when it is). having said that, if you go, come and visit me!!!!

  26. No, I am not going to Blogher - lol, bit far for me to travel.

    BTW - I have only just today been out checking my blogs (absent for over a week now) and just want to send you a big cyber hug for obviously some carp that has been flying your way!

  27. Anonymous7:38 AM

    No, it isn't about the money or the value. BlogHer was phenomenal last year and I would recommend it to anyone. For me it is simply a matter of logistics. Our family is attending a conference in Las Vegas the week before. For me to go to SFO, I'd have to take the 4 year old with me and I just don't think that the 2 of us can handle 2 cross country trips in 2 weeks. That said, GO!!!! You won't regret it.

  28. No, I just started my own blog about a week ago so it seems silly for me to spend all that money to go away for a purpose that I'm not sure exactly about. Besides, I'm still nursing and would have to bring a toddler...

  29. Where? When? Huh?

    (Yes, I am that clueless.)

  30. No, not going. And sad about it. I didn't know the dates and I unwittingly scheduled a vacation during that time.

  31. Um .. no. No money for it but really - I've been blogging for just under a year. Not sure if I'm ready for joining in - in such a big way.

    Not yet anyway.

  32. Would love to but it's not in the budget this year. Margaret

  33. I don't know what that is. Sorry.

  34. Yes. Sorry I didn't get back to you. You still wanna chat 'bout the St. Francis?

  35. Yes, yes, I'm going! So far, I'm only signed up for Friday... but that might change. It's my 36th birthday weekend. I'd LOVE to meet you!

  36. I am.

    (And thank you so much for the card!!)


  37. Anonymous5:46 AM

    I just a lucker

  38. Not really a lurker but no, I'm not going. I don't know really anything about it and I have only been blogging for a little over a year so I'm not sure I'm "qualified" :)

  39. I might catch some of it..... but not planning on attending the whole thing.... also, as an anonymous blogger I worry..... you know, about having my cover blown!

  40. I hope to...SF is just over an hour from here, so that's not the issue. The problem is we're so broke that I don't know if I have the cash for hotel/registration.

    I can't believe that's the case, but it is.

  41. ohhh... it sounds like so much fun but I can't... booo for me. I'll be in the City July 11-13th for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and just cannot manage to make it to both (besides the $1800 I had to raise just to walk). Ahhh... someday I'll be able to put a face to all the blog pages I love.

  42. To Blogher or not to Blogher, that is the question. So little time, so much to do.


  43. I would love to, but it would also scare the crap out of me. So many awesome women, and me so insecure! Recipe for disaster. Good thing I can't afford it.


Let them type cake.