28 March 2008

What I'd Give Her

If I could give her anything, it would be this memory, untarnished and perfect, to carry with her always.

Her mother, lying on her back in the center of the state capitol, strange glances be damned, her father, holding her out above me, giving her wings to take flight, and her, (oh her), sweet and confident and the world her oyster, the sun streaming, making her view a magical scene, decorated with rainbows.

I would give it to her in a silver locket to carry upon her heart. She could open it when she stumbled upon darkness, and it would offer light. She could touch her hand to it when she felt cold, and it would offer warmth. When she felt lonely and afraid, it would gently comfort her in the knowledge that no matter where she wanders upon this earth, she is never alone.

The locket would be strung upon a silver strand, which defying logic or reason, would be made of the most fragile yet resilient material ever known. It would be flexible enough to move with her always, to be whatever she needed, and it would be strong enough to keep its own form. It would wrap itself around her shoulders and sometimes, in the quietest of moments, it would brush across her chest and whisper the secrets of my soul to her.

If I could give her anything, it would be that.


  1. and you do, give he that, Jenn. You do.

  2. Lovely.
    Simply lovely.

  3. I feel the same way about my daughter. How beautiful.

  4. What a fabulous picture. What a beautiful sentiment. What a lucky girl that you are her mother!

  5. You might be surprised how many precious memories she's been able to gather along the path that you often see as dark and rocky. She comes from a mom who can find magic, I trust that she can too.

  6. I hope you will be able to carry that with you forever also. It sounds like a beautiful moment.

  7. You will give her this. And so much more.

  8. will you be my mommy??

  9. Missed reading your posts. Thanks for coming back.

  10. Jenn- These two girls have no idea how lucky they are! You are an amazing photographer!!!

  11. This made me have to catch my breath.

  12. Gorgeous. I would have lain on the floor of that building, too.

  13. in these words, i think, and in the photo and the moment that created it, you have given her that.

    you mother her heart and understand what it means to have that moment, her mother and father there together, doing something crazy. that's beautiful.

  14. What a gift that would be.

  15. Lovely post, Jenn... And I agree with Flutter ~ you do.

  16. Sweetie, I suspect she - and you - will carry such memories forever and beyond.

  17. oh jenn. this post is so sweet and perfect. give it to her. really.

  18. It's a picture bright with possibility, and with love.


Let them type cake.