08 April 2009

With Deepest Sympathy

Having once held a 3.5 pound baby in my hands, willing her to breathe, begging God to take my life if he would just give her one, I cannot quit crying.

I am so, so, sorry.

Please go here and consider donating to the March of Dimes:


Godspeed, sweet one.

(Post Scrip: You cannot go to the personal blog of Maddie, because Blogger has suspended the account due to a large amount of traffic. Their prematurely born daughter passed away, after 16 months. They have been taken by surprise and are in need of support, please consider it in any form, including prayers.)


  1. This is so sad... Their family is in my thoughts today.

  2. I am crying for their loss and sending so many prayers for peace and comfort their way...

  3. I'm doing the March of Dimes Walk here in Chicago on the 26th! :-)


Let them type cake.