10 October 2007

Breaking Up Is Hard To Do....

....But I've got to do it.

I wasn't going to blog about this, citing un-originality and the risk of coming across as holier-than-thou, because if you read my blog, you so know that I'm not.

Yep. It's Britney. I've been guilty of following the sordidness that is her life through on-line entertainment sites and the gossip magazines at the grocery store. You'd probably have to live in a cave to not hear her name at least once a day on reputable news stations. But I'm ending my affair with these sites and publications.

The latest installment which featured her swearing and waving her arms at the cameras disturbed me; it actually caused me to shift in my chair I felt so uncomfortable. And that's when I knew it was over. The sidebars and captions: "Live stream from the courthouse. We'll be there".
"She's been spotted at a parking lot. We are there".
"There are ambulances and police outside her home. We're there"

Stalking her.

Violating her.

Waiting for a new sound bite, new footage of her next insane act, lurking in the darkness that surrounds her, blocking any sunshine that might be trying to peep in.

I know how judged and crazy I feel just being around my family in Po-dunk USA for the holidays. How I cringe and murmur to myself, how I pick at my nails and avoid eye contact, how I squirm from the judgment being assessed upon me by those that I know. I don't just come across as a little off-kilter, I act that way because I feel that way. I cannot imagine what I would be like living under the microscope that she does.

In addition to that, her family called Dr. Freaking Phil to "help" her. Jesus. Like the girl didn't have enough issues and problems. If they want to help her, call some soul that has devoted their life to helping people without recognition or financial reward. Start in the non-profit sector. Some person in a state agency whose office light is on well past the time clock. Maybe then she'd stand a chance. Maybe.

I can't help but feel that girl is drowning before our eyes, and that each click of my mouse to TMZ or Perez was just one more wave pushing her down. I won't participate in it anymore, and not by just boycotting her stories, but by boycotting the sites altogether. It sucks. I'll miss them, I love me my celebrity gossip, but I don't think this is gossip; I feel like this is abuse in a grand form, and I won't be a participant to it, no matter how minuscule of a role I play by visiting their sites.

I'm going to go one step further and ask you to consider taking them off of your blog rolls as well. Most of you that I read frequently and that comment here frequently aren't people that I would believe can find any pleasure in what is happening to her.

And please, no comments on writing about worthy causes, etc. At the end of the day, she's a human being--I believe a very broken, very desperate, very lonely human being--despite the circus that surrounds her every waking moment.

I wish her peace, I really, really do.


  1. no kidding. she needs to be left alone by the public, but it really disturbs me that there is no one in her family who cares enough to stop this train. you know?

  2. Anonymous6:31 PM

    I agree with you. She is a young woman who is having horrendous problems and needs help, not judgments.

  3. funny...i dislike Britney with all that is in me and all the fakeness she stands for and the talentless crap machine that she's milked for far too long...but i agree with you. i wish her peace. i wish she'd just be left alone. i wish i could go 24 hours without hearing about her, even when i'm trying to avoid hearing about her.

    seriously, i'm starting to think that even the trainwreck is just a part she's playing, out of desparation and no sense of what else to do...and that's beyond sad. i wish society would leave her alone so as not to be complicit in the self-destruction. can't watch anymore. won't.

    but will have to find my own cave to hole up in to avoid doing so.

  4. Bravo Jenn! Well said. I totally agree.


  5. She'll probably appreciate your small part to stop the insanity. If people weren't fascinated, nobody would follow her around anymore and maybe she could be normal.

    I get a vibe from "mainstream" news outlets that the celebrity gossip stuff is beneath them, when they finally stop reporting it, maybe the rest will follow suit, but I'm not holding my breath.

  6. Amen girl.. Amen. I've been preaching the same on my blog and to anyone that brings up the krazee that is that girl's life these days.

  7. I agree completely - it has gone way too far and I just can't help but wonder where her people are. Because I can name at least 30 people who - if I were in her place - would be supporting me, helping me, or at least shaking me senseless and getting me some real help. It's sad.

  8. Good for you. I have thought this often. That maybe, just maybe, she could find her path if the rest of the world would get out of her way.

  9. Anonymous8:26 PM

    That whole situation is just sad. Not enough money in the world to make me trade places with her.

  10. I think we all would look a little nuts if people follow us around 24/7

  11. Amen, Sista! It reminds me of watching Whitney Houston go off the deep end. I remember thinking "this woman is so beautiful, so very talented, and look whats happened to her" I wanted to cry. Its the same when I seen these stories about Britney. I hope she finds help. She needs to get away, desperately. I hope she can rebuild her life.

    PS. Happy Birthday!

  12. Anonymous9:38 PM

    I used to read the gossip sites a lot also... but I've cut back because it's getting ridiculous. TMZ has people posted around Britney 24/7. Can you imagine? I think we've seen all Britney we need to for a while (and I mean ALL). They need to give her a break!!

  13. Amen to that, Jenn.

  14. exactly what you said. exactly.

  15. i never follow this kind of stuff, so just get snippets of it when my hubby has the news on, but clearly she needs SERIOUS help

  16. "At the end of the day, she's a human being--I believe a very broken, very desperate, very lonely human being--despite the circus that surrounds her every waking moment."

    That is so very true.

    It is a sad situation, she needs an Intervention bad (jmo). I hope one day she finds the right path, for her and her kids.

  17. Amen, sister.

    (also, beautiful previous post.... I know no pity party blah x3.... but exquisite....)

  18. Well said, Jen. I get flashbacks to Anna Nicole Smith whenever I hear about Britney these days. It's horrible, and everyone needs to leave that poor girl alone.


  19. amen sister! I wholeheartedly agree; the girl is screwed up and it's probably mostly her and her parents fault but the paps situ is magnifying it to the point of running her into the ground so that she's never going to get up again (or your analogy of drowning). It's despicable. Love your blog btw!

  20. I'm still a fan. A fan. Which is different than someone who wants to rubberneck at an accident or snoop through a bloody crime scene. I have been a fan of hers sine the beginning and I'll be there when she gets her act together (God willing) and records again.

    There are a lot of people out there who enjoy watching her crash and burn - and that's sad and wrong. I hear you. But I'm not going anywhere. I'm waiting because she'll be back. She's "Britney, b*tch" ;-)

  21. I know, Mama. That poor, poor girl.
    I don't have those sites on my blogroll but am a People Magazine subscriber. Perhaps I should unsubscribe and find something more worthy to read during workouts.
    Happy Birthday, by the way, hope it was lovely :)

  22. Anonymous1:56 PM

    Every time I hear another story about Britney Spears I sigh. Sometimes I wonder if all she needs is a good mommy friend - I'd love to have her over to my house. Give her a big hug at the door, put on a cup of coffee and munch on pound cake as we talk about life, the kids, being a mom.

    If avoiding the gossip is the way to give her some privacy then I'm happy to do my part.

  23. I know so many mommy's that just want to give her a hug and a break. Too bad nobody that can get anywhere near her is man or woman enough to do that. I saw today that 4 paparazzi were arrested for the things they were doing in order to grab pics of her. I'm glad...they've become packs of rabid dogs, and their behavior needs to be changed.

  24. I wish the news media would read this post. Brilliantly said. Have a happy new day :o)

  25. It's pretty obscene, I agree. It makes me sad that someone who can afford the best help there is, isn't getting it -- for whatever reason. I feel bad for her, for her kids, and I sincerely hope she can pull it together -- right now I feel like she's choosing to be a wreck.

  26. ohhh how I agree. I feel very sorry for her and cannot even imagine. Not one person looking out for her best interest but there own. Look at her mother even, trying to capitalize on her daughters obvious demise. I also wish her the best and have struggled with wether or not to write about her. It just seems to facilitate the madness that is the media. I'm just not sure what to do. I do hope that she gets some serious help soon.
    Love Princess

  27. Anonymous6:09 PM

    I get your sentiments, I really do. However, the Britster makes it REALLY easy for the "evil paps" to take her picture! The girl is incapable of staying home out of the public eye! (Even on the same day her visitation rights were taken away!) They say when you break into the business that the constant publicity stuff is the deal that you make. Having said that, I do realize that she was just a kid at the start of it all. Who is to blame? I dunno. Clearly, the poor girl is a mess and it's really a shame. I feel bad for her. I also love little peaks at some of my favorite entertainers, those that are not crazy, and I get that from Perez and PopSugar! I don't visit those sites for Britney and I won't stop for her either. I LOVE PopSugar's multiple fashion photos and she is a great source to print off hot hairstyles when visiting my salon!
    Still think you've got a great heart, Miss Jenn!

  28. It is sad and scarey... SO may people use her for publicity or a meal ticket. How in the world can she trust them? Course with all of that going on, how does one even trust oneself?


Let them type cake.