Dear Readers,
What are you doing, reading this jazz when you should be sending good thoughts and vibes my way?
I'm getting parts of my body removed Thursday, people.
Go ahead.
I'll wait while you send out warm thoughts to the universe.
Upside: Ice cream and slushies as far as the eye can see.
Downside: The Servant might once again be able to sleep, making her less fragile.
Over and Out, (sort of like my tonsils and adenoid)
Little A
Oh baby, you are always in my thoughts
I had that done when I was 8. Not fun!!!
Thoughts! Hugs!! Ice Cream!!!
Awwww...I'm sending all sorts of warm healing thoughts your way, Little One. Ice cream is good stuff, make sure the Servant keeps you well supplied.
oh babe. i'd serve you slushies on the finest crystal if i could.
ps. keep all the good parts.
Warms thoughts and prayers for you Little A, and for a speedy recovery.
best of luck to Little A & mommies nerves.
Good luck! Enjoy the slushies!
Hey Little A, I'm a Big A. I had my extra parts removed many years ago. It's yucky and a bit scary, but you'll belong to a special group of brave A's.
This A thinks you are Awesome!
good luck, be sure to get some yummy milkshakes too
oh, pesky tonsils! begone with you, and much health, healing and gingerale in the interim.
Good luck, Lil A!! Sending get well soon vibes to you... Enjoy your ice cream :)
Little A - LP will say his prayers for you as that is a very favorite bedtime stalling routine - in addition please note he shares "when you wake up in the hospital you cry for to get stickers and juice and mommy." So, there's a strategy for moving ahead.
Good thoughts, good thoughts, good yummy slushy thoughts!
You're in my thoughts and prayers today, Little A.
May you be blessed with a highly skilled, caring and gentle hospital staff. *hugs*
Prayers are forthcoming, Little A.
Awwwwww!! I had mine out at that age too.
She is so sweet that I think I have a new cavity. Seriously.
Good luck and lots of ice cream :)
Praying for you, Little A. I know you don't know who I am anymore, but I love you.... I love you SO much!!!
Poor baby. Hope it goes well.
Oh, no. I'm sorry, Little A (and mama).
Has she been having major tonsil troubles? I had so many problems with mine when I was young but they never took them out.
Hope all goes well.
I am praying and hoping she gets her favorite kind of ice cream afterwards :)
Dear Little A -
I know it won't be awesome right now, but think of all the future sore throats you are missing out on! If only my servant had listened all those years ago... Be as well as you as soon as you can! And have extra popsicles while you can get away with it.
Good luck, friend.
I just wanted to say I hope she's doing well. Today was the day, right? My daughter's best friend is having the same surgery in 2 weeks. Hope everything is going well and you are getting at least a little sleep.
Good luck Little A! Slurp lots of popsicles!
saying big prayers for you little A. and wishing you lots of delicious, flavored frozen joy!
i'm reading this late, but still sending out prayers for speedy recovery...
Oh Little A - Many prayers ( a few days later) sent your way.
many prayers were said. I hope you're feeling better by today!
Good vibrations coming your way:}Watch out for brain freezes, Sweetie!
God bless you, Little A! I had my tonsils out in 3rd grade after missing like 30+ days of school. My mom said that the surgeon announced afterward that they went ahead and took the adenoids too...like it was a two for one special or something! Anyway, life was much more pleasant after that. Good luck! ;-)
Good luck Sweet Pea!
Prayers going up my friend.
oh good luck, sweetie. eat lots of extra ice cream for me, 'k?
are you wearing your team why mommy shirt??? good for you!
Okay, so how'd it go?
Hope all is well.
Prayers headed your way. Slurpees. Mmmmm.
Everything going OK?
Little A,
Hope you feel better without those parts!!!
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